

Monday 10 June 2013

The Classic 1940's!

Hello All! I hope you liked the Photos, but it is time for another weekly interior Blog!!

We went to the Vintage fair on Saturday it was fab and later on this week we shall share our day with you, when we get the chance to! So keep Checking!!

Today we are traveling back to the good old 1940's , I simply loved the Kitchens in this period, full of bold colours and shapes! There was always one significant colour that stands out from the rest of them, often taken from the primary colours, Red, Blue, Yellow! Lets take a look at some typical gorgeous 1940's styles...
Here are some Classic kitchen Units , you can find some separate standing ones in antique shops today!!

The dominant colour here is Blue! Just Look at the classic Curtain drapes, so sweet, they just makes the room along with the gorgeous patterned flooring.
Another Primary colour for a dominant stand out bright colour! 

This one has a dominant of Yellow , and is cleverly tied in with hints of yellow, the space in this kitchen is cleverly used and the shape of the room really gives it that extra edge!

Here is a more modern version of a 1940's kitchen, notice the glass bricks on the counter, a cutie classic there!!

A gorgeous example here, just gorgeous!!
Well there you have it some cute 1940's Kitchens, the 1940's was a dramatic time as i am sure you know as World War 2 took place in the first Half of the Decade and The second half of the decade was spent putting it right!! So they did well to have made such Lovely , cheerful, inspirational Kitchens!

Thank you For reading and Supporting!! Don't forget to check the Blog for regular updates, Please comment questions below, or tell me any historical facts about the 1940's as i am by far a historical expert! Also if you have any subjects you may wish me to write about, or any time periods , then please comment below, any specific rooms, anything just comment below and i shall try my best to respond to them! Thank you again for reading , much Love , Buttercup x x x

Pictures are from Google. We have no ownership or copyright over these letters. All copyright belongs to and the original owners.

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